This course is your "Free Pass" to playing guitar. It is the most direct and to the point complete online guitar course.
This course will help you get all the Object Oriented PHP, MYSQLi and ending the course by building a CMS system.
This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the Python programming language.
Learn and Master how AI works and how it is changing our lives in this Course. lives in this Course.
The skills you will learn from this course is applicable to the real world, so you can go ahead and build similar app.
Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps with HTML, CSS and TypeScript.
Near Police Camp II, Bokaro,
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My life at iSchool made me stronger and took me a step ahead for being an independent women. I am thankful to all the teachers who supported us and corrected us throughout our career. I am very grateful to the iSchool for providing us the best of placement opportunities and finally I got placed in DC Marvel.
I am grateful to iSchool - both the faculty and the Training & Placement Department. They have made efforts ensuring maximum number of placed students. Due to the efforts made by the faculty and placement cell. I was able to bag a job in the second company.
iSchool is a place of learning, fun, culture, lore, literature and many such life preaching activities. Studying at the iSchool brought an added value to my life.
Think Magical, that is one thing that iSchool urges in and to far extent succeed in teaching to its students which invariably helps to achieve what you need.
This is Awesome GeekySHows Jindabaad
iSchool provides universal access to the world’s best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses online.
iSchool Pvt Ltd
Near Police Camp II
Bokaro, Jharkhand
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